#SOS over-night tips for pimples/breakouts

Kinda makes me wish I had a pimple right now! 🀣
Starface! They're also a new indie brand making cute pimple patches: https://starface.world/
What are you favorite pimple patches??
What are some of your tips for emergency skin SOS?
Here I'm only putting bandaids on the broken walls temporarily but we all know that working towards the consistent healthy barrier is the key πŸ‘
and when and if you DO extract on your own, please make sure to cover your spot with the patch to avoid pollutants/impurities excessing the broken skin 😱otherwise the worst nightmare can happen
P.S if the extraction is inevitable -try to avoid as much as you can- but perform it after a hot shower or after heat has been induced (steam towel, etc), that way the pores are open and it is easier to extract the sebum!
3. last but not least,
Apply pimple patches, acne spot treatments, etc