Has anyone tried the mooncup? 🌝

I think this definitely is the hardest category to reduce waste for me as well 😥
Has anyone tried out Thinx or any other brand of period underwear?
I hear reusable cotton pads help with cramps...! I'm going to try some out!
Now I'm also considering getting washable period pads because they're supposed to help get rid of cramps too (don't know how the science works)
My cup is a little worn out now so I think I have to replace it but it's been 2 years so it was a great investment :)
re: cleaning. I just clean it with hot water every time. I think you can do more but so far that's how I've done the cleaning.
I'd say there's a steep (2-hour) learning curve
You just have to know when to check and make sure you empty your cup
But after I learned it was a breeze. It honestly makes you forget that you're on your period
To be honest, it took me like two hours to learn how to put it in the first time. I almost quit and cried because I couldn't figure it out LOL